The Holy Spirit is a Happy Guy. Hard-working, always available, never condemning, He’s great to have on our side. He's always pointing up to Jesus!
He's "hands on" and "down-to-earth." He's PRACTICAL and a great Friend, once you get to know Him. The purpose of this site is to help you (and other people) get to know Him.
I have chosen this young farmer with overalls as the primary icon of the Spirit. I hope you'll like Him. (I got Him from To me, He represents the the third Person of the Trinity better than wind, fire or any other inanimate force.
He’s super PRACTICAL and so is this site. This site is NOT a theological treatise. While theologically accurate, it emphasizes the practical value of the Third Person of the Trinity, rather than doctrinal discussion.
Let me say it again. I attempt to convey Biblical truth from the center of historical reality. For example, I include unashamedly posts about speaking in tongues. That's what the Bible does and that's what the historical Christian church has done.
The purpose of the site, however, is to emphasize the practical benefits of God the Spirit, rather than fill the space with meaningless gibberish and useless theological nomenclature. Still, when the need arises, I will dip into theology to give historical background or needed explanation of concepts.
If you want to get to know Who God’s Spirit really is, you are in the right place at the right time. For example. . .
One day I was standing on our front porch. My family and I decided to go for a picnic. I checked the weather—it was sunny and warm—great day for a picnic. Something nagged at my thoughts like a sweater caught on a nail. I had a subtle impression that I should bring my raincoat. As I looked up to check the sky again, I noticed it was warm and sunny. “No need for a raincoat” I quickly concluded.
We went for the picnic. Then the sky turned cloudy and began to sprinkle. Then it rained.
Wouldn’t you know it? We came home d-r-e-n-c-h-e-d!
God was trying to teach me to listen to the voice of the Spirit.
I’m an intelligent man (at least I think so!). I have a Master’s of Divinity degree from Luther Theological Seminary, one of the finest seminaries in the nation. So, I’m not dumb.
But wouldn’t you know it? The exact scenario played out a second time. I was on the same porch of the same house. We were getting ready to go someplace. The sky was sunny. “No need for a raincoat,” I concluded. When Something tugged at my mind, I ignored the inner voice. We went happily to the event. . .and returned home—drenched again.
I may be intelligent—but also a slow learner!
So began God’s modern day training program for His wanton disciple. Even now, some 35 years later, I’m still learning, still making mistakes. But I am learning!
This site recounts some of my mistakes and what I’m learning about God’s Spirit. Hopefully, someone can learn from my travails. Learning doesn’t come without a few bloopers, you know.
Let’s get one thing straight at the beginning. Jesus is the Greatest. No one compares with Him. The great message of the Bible: Salvation through Jesus. The Old Testament of the Bible leads up to Jesus. The New Testament portrays His life, miracles, death and resurrection.
Jesus Christ suffered and died for the sins of the entire world, past, present, and future. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.
Jesus Christ is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit. The gospel of Mark (most likely the first gospel account written and the basis for Matthew, Mark and Luke) declares Jesus as the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:7). In Mark, He is portrayed as Holy Spirit Baptizer even before he is proclaimed Savior of the world! He is proclaimed by John the Baptist as the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit even before He is introduced as Savior of all mankind! (Luke 3:16).
Jesus Christ is the Giver of the Great Commandment--Love one another.
Jesus Christ is the Giver of the Great Commission--Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to all creation (Mark 16:15).
Then He died as a substitute instead of us and for our sins, rose from death, and was lifted up to heaven.
What was the first act of the resurrected Christ in heaven after sitting down at the throne of the Father?
His first act in heaven was to "pour out" the Holy Spirit complete with the sign of tongues. By this initial act in heaven Jesus "baptized" the church with the Holy Spirit. By this unprecedented act He started the Christian Church, gave the Church His power, and declared His over-arching purpose for the Church.
The ascended Jesus Christ then gave ministry gifts to people--apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors (Ephesians 4:12).
He deserves our worship and praise! He alone is the Pre-eminent One!
Let me tell you how I got baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. It wasn't pretty. And I hesitate to call it a "baptism" because baptism means 'immersion" or "to overwhelm" as with water. Believe me, I was "underwhelmed" more than "overwhelmed.”
The year was 1963. Some fellow students at the Lutheran Bible Institute in Seattle invited me to a back room at the house where we stayed. “Come on back,” they said. “They’re speaking in tongues. . .and it doesn’t even take faith!”
I was curious--so I went.
Mark E, the son of a Lutheran pastor started praying for me. I wanted to speak in tongues (like in the Bible). After a while, I said,” ma!” That was my only syllable. Later on, I repeated the syllable and said it twice, “ma-ma.”
Talk about baby talk! That was all I said. I felt no excitement, no emotion, nothing. You can probably understand why I was disappointed. I had heard that the fullness of the Spirit and speaking in tongues was so wonderful, so joy-filled and exciting. I felt exactly nothing—it was a total downer for me.
For some reason, I don’t know why, I would say ma-ma every now and then to myself when no one was around to hear. And strangely enough, my one syllable gradually grew to two or sometimes three or more.
I didn’t pay much attention. Time passed. At night before lights out, my roommate Mervin and I had a habit of praying together. One night I got a picture in my mind’s eye when we prayed together.
Mervin, I’m getting a picture of a man dragging a ball and chain. “You did?” Mervin exclaimed in excitement and wonder. “Yes, I did,” I admitted.
“That’s me!” my roommate explained. “I have a secret sin that I’ve never told anyone about. “You do?” I was as surprised as Mervin. “Yes, it’s like I’m dragging around a heavy ball and chain.
I didn’t really know what to make of all this, but the thought crossed my mind that maybe there was something about this speaking in tongues after all. There’s more, much more . . . but that’s how it all began. . .
I have a confession to make. Not about sins, but about songs. I just like it quiet. Better for concentration and focus. I don’t want to be distracted.
Until recently, I have not enjoyed listening to radio or song videos. My wife mentioned this habit of mine and suggested we brighten up the house with more music.
I like to worship, even dance before the Lord, but I don’t feel qualified to comment deeply on some of the songs about the Spirit that are becoming so popular nowadays.
Still, some of the modern songs in this genre are nearly ubiquitous. . . so, just for fun, I am asking folks who really enjoy listening to music to evaluate a few songs about the Holy Spirit which you probably hear and sing.
For starters, I admit I do enjoy Francesca Battistelli singing. Have you seen her video “When the Crazies Come?” And by the way, What’s your favorite along this line?
Who is the Third Person of the Trinity? What's He like?
7 Ways God's Spirit is like Dandelion flowers--
1 Jesus promised to pour out His Spirit on all mankind. Dandelions are in every country in the world.
2 The Spirit is a permanent resident in believers. Dandelions are forever (at least it seems that way!)
3 The Spirit of God is gentle. Dandelion seeds are soft, feather-light.
4 The Spirit is bold, plucky. So are dandelions.
5 God’s Spirit is strong. So are dandelions.
6 The Holy Spirit is unashamed. He surprises, interrupts our status quo. Dandelions are also unashamed. They pop up in your lawn anywhere and unannounced!
7 The Spirit has amazing, unknown, practical benefits (He talks, makes us happy, energizes us). Dandelions also have surprising, unknown, practical benefits (food, medicine, even rubber!).
How well do you know Him?
As this site develops you will find images and/or descriptions of some of the primary "illustrations" of God's Holy Spirit. . .
Then go to Symbols of the Holy Spirit for even more. . .
If folks knew a fraction of what the the Spirit of God does, there would be a long line waiting at His door. He's so PRACTICAL. This site will help you know what He does so you can get through the door.
The Spirit of God is the “hidden person” of the Godhead. Most everyone knows about God the Father, the Creator of the universe. Christians are the people who have acknowledged and accepted Jesus Christ (God’s “Son”) as Savior of the world.
But What about the Third Person of the Godhead?
Are you ready for a detailed description of the work of the Holy Spirit? His seal of authenticity, His gifts, His fruits? There’s way more than you might expect. . .
In my pastoral ministry I’ve found several people who believe they have blasphemed against God’s Spirit. So we better tackle this one up front. What are the sins against the Holy One of God? Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you have committed an unforgivable sin?
I once attended a banquet for Iowa taxpayers. The banker next to me found I was the pastor of a charismatic church. He began to ask questions about the role of the Spirit. What are the benefits of speaking in tongues? If someone is filled with the Spirit, how does his life change? Good questions, Herr banker!
Happily, I could answer most of his questions. But one question I could not answer. . .
The people I Interview don't seem to know much about the Holy Spirit. Is He God, or not? We best find out. . .
If you were to ask a child, “Who is the Holy Spirit?” each would give wildly different answers. Is the Spirit of God a person or a force?
If you ask an adult, even a church member, you get some more wild answers. Is it a male or a female?
That’s because most of us don’t know much about the Spirit of God.
I don’t either—but I’m on a lifetime quest to know Him more. Please join me. . .